Practice Teaching

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Observation and Practice Teaching

At Barcelona Montessori School we want to share our love of Montessori with the wider community and we invite students who are currently undertaking a training course in Montessori to come and observe and complete their practice training with us. Please be aware that you must have a good level (C1 or equivalent) of spoken English in order to fully participate in the life of the school

If you wish to apply you need to send us:

- Your CV and a covering letter explaining outlining your teaching and learning experience so far.

- The dates and times you wish to complete the observation and practice teaching and with which age group(s). If these are flexible, please state clearly in your email your preference.

- Confirmation of inscription on an accredited Montessori course.

- The arrangement with your university and details of your tutor.

- DNI/NIE/Passport.

- Criminal record/Police check.

Please send these details to

We receive a high volume of demand for practice teaching and observations and will only accept one person in each class at a time. Please ensure that your application is complete before you send it to us.