Why have we chosen stick insects?

stick insect.jpeg

They move very little so we are also developing our impulse control; our ability to wait and not bang on the glass. This is difficult for some of us but it is a great skill to learn! We are also learning how to look after our new friends. They need fresh food every few days (if you bring us some branches please make sure you keep them in water so the leaves are nice and fresh – like a crunchy salad!)

We hope to soon be learning about the reproductive cycle of these creatures. The females are able to lay eggs without the need for a male – imagine that 😉 If we care for them well we may end up with a lot of eggs and babies, so watch this space!

In the long run we will be learning to handle our new friends, but they need to recover from their journey and we need to get over the excitement! We will also be planning some excursions around Barcelona with some of the older students in order to collect food for our friends – more details shortly!


An aquarium has joined our Infant Community classroom